Rent with Confidence

10.17.23 3:05 PM

The Property Owner's Guide to Resident Screening

Are you a Property Owner who wants to feel less worried about renting your property? Ever wondered how to find good Residents? Well, you're in the right place! In this post, we're going to show you how to make renting easier. You'll learn how to pick Residents who pay rent on time and take care of your property. By the end, you'll have the tools to be a more confident Property Owner. Let's get started on this journey to worry-free renting!


The Importance of Resident Screening


Did you know:

●25% of Property Owners have experienced property damage caused by their Residents.

●The average cost of property damage caused by Residents is $3,000.

Resident screening is very important for Property Owners. It's like a safety net for your investment. When you screen Residents, you're basically checking if they're reliable and responsible. This helps you avoid problems like late rent payments or damage to your property. So, it's kind of like a shield that keeps your rental business safe and sound.


It also helps you choose the right people to live in your property. By looking at their rental history, you can see if they paid rent on time before and if they took care of the place. This info helps you decide if they're good Residents or not. When you pick Residents who have a good record, it usually means fewer problems later on.


Lastly, Resident screening makes sure you're following the rules. You can't just pick Residents based on who you like or don't like – that's against the law. Resident screening helps you make fair decisions, which keeps you out of trouble, and known as a Property Owner who plays by the rules. So, it's not just about staying safe; it's also about being fair and making smart choices.


Using Credit Reports Effectively


Making the best use of credit reports is a crucial part of being a Property Owner. When you're looking at a Resident's credit report, it's important to mix it with other things like their application and the interview you have with them. Here's how you can use credit reports wisely:

Make Clear Rules: Create specific rules about what credit score and income requirements you're okay with. These rules should match what you need for your property. Having clear rules helps you make fair choices every time.

Follow the Law: Be sure you're following all the rules when you're checking Residents. There are laws like the Fair Housing Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act that you need to stick to. This keeps everything fair and legal.



A Solution for Effective Resident Screening


Property management software, like Renter Insight, is a helpful assistant for Property Owners when it comes to screening Residents. It makes the whole process smoother and more organized. Here's how it works:


Background checks: Renter Insight can access a variety of background check reports, including criminal background checks, credit reports, and eviction related filings. This information can help Property Owners and property managers assess a potential Resident's financial stability and history of criminal activity.

Resident scoring: Renter Insight uses a proprietary algorithm to score potential Residents. This score can help Property Owners and property managers quickly and easily identify the most qualified Residents and fairly compare who is the best applicant.

Online application: Renter Insight offers an online application that makes it easy for Residents to apply for a rental property. This can help Property Owners and property managers streamline the Resident screening process.

Resident screening is an essential part of being a successful independent Property Owner. By using Renter Insight, Property Owners and property managers can save time and money, and they can also be more confident that they are renting their properties to qualified Residents.


Get your free trial of Renter Insight here today!

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